PT. Eka Perkasa Rekabuana

  Plaza Millenium, Jl. Kapten Muslim, Kompleks Millenium Plaza Blok No. 5-6 Medan 20123, Jl. Kapten Muslim No.63, Dwi Kora, Kec. Medan Helvetia, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20123



Plaza Millenium, Jl. Kapten Muslim, Kompleks Millenium Plaza Blok No. 5-6 Medan 20123, Jl. Kapten Muslim No.63, Dwi Kora, Kec. Medan Helvetia, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20123


Kirim pembaruan atau Hapus


Lift | Lift Hyundai Service Medan

We'll offer you a lift with the best quality and price. We really prioritize our services, if you need an elevator from the best manufacturer then you are very worthy to contact us Hyundai Lift, we will meet all your expectations.